- manifold
- •- distributing manifold - exhaust manifold - fuel manifold - suction manifold
Краткий англо-русский словарь химмотологических терминов и выражений. - М.: ИЦ «ТЕХИНФОРМ» МАИ. Данилов А.М. . 2014.
Краткий англо-русский словарь химмотологических терминов и выражений. - М.: ИЦ «ТЕХИНФОРМ» МАИ. Данилов А.М. . 2014.
manifold — [ manifɔld ] n. m. • 1930; mot angl., pour manifold paper ♦ Anglic. 1 ♦ Carnet comportant plusieurs séries de feuilles et de papier carbone. 2 ♦ (1960) Techn. Ensemble de vannes et de conduits orientant un fluide vers un réservoir ou des… … Encyclopédie Universelle
manifold — [man′ə fōld΄] adj. [ME < OE manigfeald: see MANY & FOLD] 1. having many and various forms, features, parts, etc. [manifold wisdom] 2. of many sorts; many and varied; multifarious: used with a plural noun [manifold duties] 3. being such in many … English World dictionary
Manifold — Man i*fold, a. [AS. manigfeald. See {Many}, and {Fold}.] 1. Various in kind or quality; many in number; numerous; multiplied; complicated. [1913 Webster] O Lord, how manifold are thy works! Ps. civ. 24. [1913 Webster] I know your manifold… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
manifold — manifóld s. n., pl. manifólde Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic MANIFÓLD s.n. 1. (Anglicism) Carnet de note, de facturi etc. cu cotor. 2. (tehn.) Colector; conductă de aducţie. ♦ Claviatură. [< engl., fr. manifold] … Dicționar Român
Manifold — Man i*fold, n. 1. A copy of a writing made by the manifold process. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mech.) A cylindrical pipe fitting, having a number of lateral outlets, for connecting one pipe with several others; as, the exhaust manifold of an automobile… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Manifold — Man i*fold, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Manifolded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Manifolding}.] To take copies of by the process of manifold writing; as, to manifold a letter. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
manifold — I adjective assorted, considerable, divers, diverse, diversified, innumerable, many, miscellaneous, multifarious, multifold, multiform, multiple, multiplex, multiplicate, multitudinous, myriad, numerous, populous, profuse, several, sundry,… … Law dictionary
Manifold — [ mænɪfəʊld], John Streeter, australischer Schriftsteller und Musikhistoriker, * Melbourne 21. 4. 1915, ✝ Brisbane 19. 4. 1985; verfasste v. a. satirische, aber auch romantische Verse sowie Lyrik über den Krieg. Bekannt wurde er auch als… … Universal-Lexikon
manifold — [adj] abundant, many assorted, complex, copious, different, diverse, diversified, diversiform, multifarious, multifold, multiform, multiple, multiplied, multitudinous, multivarious, numerous, sundry, varied, various; concepts 564,762,781 Ant. one … New thesaurus
manifold — ► ADJECTIVE formal or literary 1) many and various. 2) having many different forms. ► NOUN 1) a pipe or chamber branching into several openings. 2) (in an internal combustion engine) the part conveying air and fuel from the carburettor to the… … English terms dictionary
Manifold — For other uses, see Manifold (disambiguation). The sphere (surface of a ball) is a two dimensional manifold since it can be represented by a collection of two dimensional maps. In mathematics (specifically in differential geometry and topology),… … Wikipedia